Our Methods
We are collecting data through a variety of methods to paint a fuller picture of congregational and community life in Chicago.
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Recent developments in the project.
Research Timeline
The project was first proposed in 2021. Since then, we’ve made steady progress in our data-collection efforts.
Summer 2022
• Virtual canvassing of all 77 Chicago Community Areas (CCAs) completed.
• Over 20 community areas / 200 census tracts physically canvassed by students.
Fall 2022
• Physical canvassing completed of all 50 sampled community areas.
• An additional 10 Chicago-area students hired to help canvass their own neighborhoods.
Spring / Summer 2023
• Data cleaned.
• Survey will be sent to religious leaders from all congregations in a sample of 50 CCAs, producing the first-ever representative survey of congregations in Chicago communities.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the students who worked on this project. Without them, this research would not be possible.
Graduate Students
Shari Boiskin, University of Chicago
Roger S. Cadena Jr., University of Notre Dame
Fariah Farah, University of Chicago
Isaiah Jeong, University of Illinois-Chicago
Elizabeth Moison, University of Notre Dame
Tryce D. Prince, University of Illinois-Chicago
Jamya Robinson, University of Notre Dame
Manuel Rodriguez, University of Notre Dame
Other Research Assistants
Lindsey Brownfield
Olafuyi Alli Balogun
Rebekah Monroe
Undergraduate Students
Delaney Blandford, University of Notre Dame
Zoë Bonnichse, University of Notre Dame
Clare Brown, University of Notre Dame
Sydney Brown, University of Notre Dame
Allison Caffrey, University of Notre Dame
Sofia Casillas, University of Notre Dame
Madeline Covington, University of Notre Dame
Caroline Darrow, University of Notre Dame
Robert Fitzpatrick, University of Notre Dame
John Gunaldo, University of Notre Dame
Isaiah Hall, University of Notre Dame
Annabelle Hilson, University of Notre Dame
Jack Knott, University of Notre Dame
Kristen J. Lemus, University of Notre Dame
Julia Mackey, University of Notre Dame
Julia McKenna, University of Notre Dame
Colin Morse, University of Notre Dame
Eoin Murphy, University of Notre Dame
Linh Oliver, University of Notre Dame
Cristina Ruiz, University of Notre Dame
Grace Scartz, University of Notre Dame
Katherine Sharp, University of Notre Dame
Kelly Shinnick, University of Notre Dame
Sophia Shroyer, University of Notre Dame
Tess Spesia, University of Notre Dame
Theresa Tulsiak, University of Notre Dame
Paula Velazquez, University of Notre Dame
Emma Zurek, University of Notre Dame
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University of Chicago Divinity School